Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Arthritis Walk & One More Trip Around The Sun!

I debated the Arthritis Walk a lot this year.  Not that I didn't want to do the walk but I've had so many medical things going on the past year that I just didn't know if I wanted to put the pressure on myself to do it.

I spent a few weeks in the hospital around Christmas into the new year and added another chronic medical thing that I didn't need to have.  I've watched friends that I've made through support groups lose their battles either from the diseases or other reasons.  I'm still on a walker or cane to walk other than inside my house.  It's just been a long start to the year.  I just didn't know about the walk this time.

I normally have a team started and geared up for a couple months but this year I couldn't find a song.  It probably sounds weird but each year I pick a song for my team.  The song either says to me something about the fight against Rheumatoid Arthritis or something that applies to the past year of my life.  Sometimes it's figurative and sometimes it's literal.  It's hard to put into words fighting RA every day...there isn't a break.  So no song this year.  Until today.

People who know me know that I love Gary Ray's music!  I was so excited he was playing around here I would have started walking to the place he was playing in a snowstorm a day ahead of time (and if you had seen me on my walker at the time you would know it would have taken a couple of days easily). 

Today the new song from Gary Ray came out so of course I bought it.  Now that I've listened to it a bunch of times over and over today, I think I have a song for my team.  So take a listen to the song and then join my Arthritis Walk team or donate to my personal fundraising page :)

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